Colour music lesson 1

This is how it works

Nice that you are going to make music! The Jostiband always starts with silence. Nice and quiet. Then listen and sing along. Do you know the song well? Then you are ready to play!

Colour music lesson 2

Your instrument

We are going to affix stickers to an instrument. What do you have to pay attention to? How do you make sure that you are completely ready to make music?

Video lesson 2
Colour music lesson 3

Playing songs

See how the Colour Music works. You are learning to play the Dutch children's song Vader Jakob. You can play it on a keyboard. You don't have to read notes. The colours will tell you what to do. Play just like the Jostiband!

Video lesson 3
Colour music lesson 4

Melody and rhythm

What is the melody? When is a note long or short? You will learn this in the last music lesson.

Video lesson 4